John Paul II Leadership and IT Institute (JPII LITI) is about transforming lives through a learning community that has the best IT resources, courses and teaching.


Students study and learn in a supportive, challenging and stimulating environment. All involved in the Institute are encouraged and supported to develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills as well as developing personal skills, aptitudes and strengthenng their character. In addition, the Institute seeks to develop and support staff to become the ‘best in the business’. A major (perhaps unique) feature of JPII LITI is the way that IT training, social enterprise, entrepreneurship and personal growth elements are combined into our curriculum.


The Institute provides a range of courses and programs to cater for all who want to learn IT. We encourage visiting ‘expert’ lecturers, teachers and teacher trainers to ensure that our staff are at the forefront of educational developments and continue to provide the best education for our learners.

At JPII LITI students experience unparalleled levels of support for both academic and personal development which is set against a background of Christian values; service to others is seen as a cornerstone of the Institute. Consequently, students are expected to make a contribution to this learning community in some respect other than through the payment of course fees.

To find out more about JPII LITI, follow the link here.